Tai Chi USA is working hard to ensure you enjoy your class and feel safe and comfortable.
The schedule below lists classes that are inside, and online.
You can request a trial to any of the classes. Your request will be confirmed. Classes held inside fill up fast due to new social distancing protocols. For virtual classes you will receive an invite from Pam once you request a trial.
Pink color designates inside the school while green is online only. Most of the morning classes are also on-line. Preregistration is required for all demo classes for new students. The new HEPA air purifier runs during the classes.
Time | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Sunday |
Morning |
10:00 11:00 |
Tai Chi Fran at school |
Tai Chi Fran at school |
Qigong Bobbi --online-- |
Qigong Bobbi --online-- |
Tai Chi Cheryl at school |
Tai Chi Pam at school |
Tai Chi Pam -- & online -- |
Tai Chi Fran at school |
Tai Chi Fran at school |
Tai Chi applications Alex at school |
11:00 12:00 |
Qigong Bobbi at school & online |
Evening |
6:00 7:00 |
Tai Chi Philosophy Cat --online-- |
7:00- 8:00 |
Tai Chi Erik at school |
Tai Chi Advanced Bas at school open practice current students |
Weapons Advanced Roy at school |
Tai Chi Erik at school |
8:00 9:00 |
Tai Chi Bas at school |
Push Hands at school |